EXPAIN has cooperated with leading experts on pain, therapeutics, research and technology. The experts has contributed to developing our products, ensure high quality products and raised the level of insight among team EXPAIN.
The Expert Panel consist of:
Ola Eriksrud
- Assistant Professor at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
- Categories: Anatomy, Biomechanics, Training Learning, Motor Control
- Physiotherapist at Olympiatoppen
- Entrepreneur (FACT AS, Athletic 1080)
Frank Tore Jakobsen
- Physiotherapist at Clinic for All Majorstuen
- Member of the Research Advisory Team, Kinesio International
- Lectured at several international and national congresses in sports and Kinesiotaping
- Working as a clinician and has extensive experience with muscular and skeletal problems
Lars Monrad-Krohn
- Technology Expert
- Professor Emeritus at the University of Oslo
- Serial Entrepreneur (Norsk Data, Tiki Data, NCNOR)
Vegard Strøm
- Research leader at Sunnaas Hospital
- Doctorate from the National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI).
Anders Berget
- Physical therapist
- Author (“Healthy Neck” and “Healthy Back”)
- Lecturer
- Entrepreneur (“Frisk Forlag”/Publisher)